
Can-Star has an exceptional track record of university acceptance for its students. Over 20000 students secured admission acceptance and scholarships

Our Students’ Achievement


university offers

presented to students enrolled in Can-Star Academy

of our students gained acceptance to the Top 5 Universities in Canada


in scholarships offered for Can-Star Academy students to attend various choice universities


university offers

presented to students enrolled in Can-Star Academy

of our students gained acceptance to the Top 5 Universities in Canada


in scholarships offered for Can-Star Academy students to attend various choice universities


university offers

presented to students enrolled in Can-Star Academy

of our students gained acceptance to the Top 5 Universities in Canada


in scholarships offered for Can-Star Academy students to attend various choice universities

Our Stories

Can-Star has an exceptional track record of university acceptance for its students. Over 20000 students secured admission acceptance and scholarships, with over 80% obtaining positions in the Top 5 universities in Canada. Not only is the teaching top-class and the programs effective, but the prep for university entrance is second-to-none!