
With 10 years of experience, Canada Star Art Academy is committed to cultivating artistic excellence in young artists and designers.


Building a strong portfolio is crucial in the world of academic and professional art. Portfolios are to showcase your skills and abilities to both clients and prospectus institutions, as such, let us take yours to the next level. Our team of seasoned professional artists, trained and active in their respective fields, will guide you.

Portfolio courses

We offer 3 portfolio courses; each to augment your portfolio for your specific artistic journey. These courses are designed with both the students’ abilities and accomplishments in mind. Altogether each is meant to bring out the best in our students while pushing them to blossom beyond their own expectations.

Portfolio training

(usually G11 & G12)

Students will learn how to complete a creative portfolio with a project-based approach; relying on research, and conceptual and technical development to build a tailor-made portfolio plan that meets the university portfolio requirements. The progress of the portfolio will be visualized throughout the process.

Art and design enhancement

(Below G11)

Students will learn how to complete a creative portfolio with a project-based approach; relying on research, and conceptual and technical development to build a tailor-made portfolio plan that meets the university portfolio requirements. The progress of the portfolio will be visualized throughout the process.

Art and design fundamentals

(Below G10)

Students will learn how to complete a creative portfolio with a project-based approach; relying on research, and conceptual and technical development to build a tailor-made portfolio plan that meets the university portfolio requirements. The progress of the portfolio will be visualized throughout the process.

Program Areas
Portfolio Packaging
$ 2,500.00
per year

Packaging made art words and upload according

to post-secondary institutions entrance requirements

Portfolio Preparation (Package)
$ 13,500.00
per year

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging for up to 6 universities

Portfolio Preparation for Canadian Art Schools (Package)
$ 17,000.00
per year

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and

university application for up to 6 Canadian schools

Portfolio Preparation for US/UK Art Schools (Package)
$ 19,500.00
per year

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and

university application for up to 6 US/UK schools

Portfolio Preparation for US/UK Art Schools (Package)
$ 19,500.00
per year 

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and

university application for up to 6 US/UK schools


$ 32,000.00
for 4 years (Grades 9 -12) 
Extended Portfolio Preparation (Package)
$ 28,000.00
for 3 years (Grades 10 -12) 

Year plan Including spring, summer intensive courses

Academic planning for art college

Portfolio prep courses

Portfolio packaging

University application for up to 6 universities


$ 22,000.00
for 2 years(Grades 11 -12) 

Student works